FONA Partners with Save the Children to Support Vanilla Farmers and Child Protection Activities in Madagascar
September 25, 2019

For Immediate Release
Contact: Deirdre Burgess
FONA International Inc.
(630) 578-8435
FONA Partners with Save the Children to Support Vanilla Farmers and Child Protection Activities in Madagascar
Geneva, IL, September 25, 2019 – FONA International, family-owned creator and manufacturer of complete flavor solutions, has partnered with international children’s charity Save the Children to support vanilla farmers and their families in Madagascar.
Approximately 80% of the world’s vanilla comes from Madagascar, yet the residents are some of the world’s poorest. The length and complexity of the crop’s cycle and the vulnerability to weather and other forces leaves the farmers susceptible to market volatility. FONA’s commitment will support Save the Children’s work aimed at reducing the challenges facing families and youth in vanilla farming communities. With 3 out of 4 people within these communities living below the poverty line, the support will go towards breaking this cycle and promoting a better future for the next generation.
“We are so thrilled to join this partnership with Save the Children and are looking forward to the opportunity to make an impact on the communities in Madagascar. We’re looking to improve sustainability, not only for the crop -- but for the lives and livelihoods of children and farmers within the community.”, said Business Director Rebecca Wagner. “FONA’s corporate responsibility vision is around empowering what we call the least, last and lost – meaning the people who often get the least amount of attention; are the last to receive aid; and are the most at risk of getting lost in the shuffle
FONA’s support will enable Save the Children to implement Child Protection activities in 12 villages. This includes empowering youth with training and knowledge about their rights, and working with adults in the community to ensure children are given the best opportunity to thrive. FONA is invested in serving those in need both within and outside of its local community and looks forward to supporting these activities. FONA’s involvement will serve as a way to break the poverty lifecycle and create a lasting change in the vanilla industry in Madagascar.
Founded more than 30 years ago, FONA International creates and produces flavors for many of the largest food, beverage, and nutritional companies in the world. It offers flavor solutions for the confection, grain, beverage, performance nutrition, OTC and emerging markets from its state-of-the-art, 33-acre campus in Geneva, IL. FONA’s seven core values drive it to pursue excellence and foster incredible partnerships. More than just great flavors — FONA provides complete market solutions.
Save the Children works to transform the lives and futures of children across the globe by providing programs that focus on health, education, protection and disaster relief. Celebrating 100 years since their founding this year, Save the Children continues to acknowledge and enforce the importance of providing a voice for children who need care and protection. With the help of their supporters, the organization helps 134 million children in 120 countries around the world.