Health, Time, Fashion, Community: On the Minds of New Moms
July 14, 2014
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Once their babies are born, women are faced with new challenges, needs and concerns. This report takes four statistics about new moms from Jack Swayne, VP Product and Services and Sam Huston, VP Strategy from iprospect and fills them out with our own consumer insights research about what’s on the minds of this important demographic.
1. Top Concern: Personal, mental and physical health and that of their families.
New moms believe that to be her best self, she needs to feel successful in caring for herself, in addition to those around her. “The essence of being a good parent is keeping yourself as grounded and as stress free as possible so you can give your baby the wonderful childhood he or she deserves,” says Leah Klungness, a psychologist and coauthor of The Complete Single Mother. Brands should encourage moms to take care of themselves and not feel guilty about it. She shouldn’t be shy about putting her needs first — it’s important for her well-being and the baby’s!
2. Biggest Challenge: Managing Time
This should come as no surprise. New moms face many demands and find themselves pulled in many directions. They’re looking for brands that understand this and can offer products and services that make their lives easier. One way Parents magazine reaches out to make busy moms lives easier is monthly top 10 lists. They curate and customize information as a way to help moms get the information they want (on top summer vacation spots, for example) without doing all the legwork and research.
3. Feel Good Fashion: New moms want to be stylish and spend a good bit of money on clothes.
This relates to their number one concern of mental and physical health. New moms want to feel good about themselves! In fact, 60% of Millennial moms say that they will always afford items that make them happy. Did you know 68% of all babies are now born to Millennial moms? And that they’re part of a generation with annual buying power of an estimated $170 billion per year? Reach out to them!
4. Establishing themselves as part of a community is important to new moms.
Whether online or in real life, new moms are looking for a sense of belonging to a community of people experiencing similar situations to their own. These women are reaching out to receive and offer support, ideas and answers to questions in a place where they feel accepted and understood. is one such online community facilitating communication and connections. Its website says, “Connect to moms and share motherhood with those who genuinely understand you.” Keep this approach in mind when developing new products, services and marketing campaigns. Moms want to know you understand what their lives are like right now and are listening to them!
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