Ingredient Hot List - Upcycled Ingredients

May 16, 2023
Innovation Ingredients Flavor

Click here for the full report! 


Waste not, want not. While that adage may seem quaint, it rings ever true in today’s sustainability-focused food and beverage marketplace. As part of broader efforts to reduce food waste, food developers are putting ingredients that might otherwise be discarded to good, practical, and ultimately flavorful use. Read on to learn how more brands and consumers are down with upcycling and explore the plethora of possible applications.

Innovative Ingredients We’re Taking a Look At:

Spent Grain Four • Fruit & Veggie Pulp • Pea Starch • Nut Milk Byproducts

A Quick Look at Upcycled Ingredients:

  • 40% of food produced globally is lost or wasted - WWF
  • “Transforming ‘waste’ into a new ingredient can show consumers that manufacturers are dedicated to creating a sustainable, secure food supply. But brands need to first prove that upcycled ingredients are appetizing.”- Mintel


View our Ingredient Hotlist on Upcycled Ingredients

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You deserve more. Let’s get started.

What does true partnership look like? You deserve a flavor partner ready to turn these trends into the tangible.

Let McCormick FONA’s market insight and research experts get to work for you. Translate these trends into bold new ideas for your brand. Increase market share and get to your “what’s next.” Our technical flavor and product development experts are also at your service to help meet the labeling and flavor profile needs for your products to capitalize on this consumer trend. Let’s mesh the complexities of flavor with your brand development, technical requirements and regulatory needs to deliver a complete taste solution. From concept to manufactur-ing, we’re here for you — every step of the way.

Contact our sales service department at 630.578.8600 to request a flavor sample or chat us up at